The Brazilian Army’s Concept of Transformation: Technology and Military Change




Military Change, Military Transformation, Technology, Brazilian Army


Since the National Defense Strategy (NDS) publication, the Brazilian Army has sought to respond to the challenges of raising its standards to those of the Knowledge Age. Braço Forte Strategy, Proforça, and the Army’s Strategic Projects are examples of necessary steps towards the desired military change. However, does the Army’s concept of Transformation express an understanding of Military Transformation, or does it fall into the trap of technological determinism? Our hypothesis states that possible failures of the Army’s Force Project are a product of a reductionist understanding of Transformation. Despite using the term Transformation, the assumptions that support the Army’s Transformation process predominantly imply improving what it already does. Excepting projects such as Cyber Defense, SISFRON, and ASTROS 2020, modernization is more present than Transformation as military change. The paper used a Case Study research design methodology. Qualitative sources such as documents from the Ministry of Defense and the Brazilian Army were analyzed using a document analysis strategy named internal comparison criteria.


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Biografia do Autor

Augusto W. M. Teixeira Júnior, UFPB

Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPE, Brazil), Postdoc in Military Sciences (ECEME, Brazil). Associate Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB, Brazil). CNPq Research Productivity Fellow - Level 2. Associate researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies on the United States (INCT-INEU) and at the Brazilian Army Strategic Studies Center (CEEEx/EME, 2018-2021).

Ricardo Borges Gama Neto, Department of Political Science (UFPE, Brazil), and Instituto Meira Mattos (IMM-ECEME, Brazil).

Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPE, Brazil). Professor at the Department of Political Science (UFPE), and at the Instituto Meira Mattos – Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército (IMM-ECEME, Brazil).


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Como Citar

Teixeira Júnior, A. W. M., & Gama Neto, R. B. (2022). The Brazilian Army’s Concept of Transformation: Technology and Military Change. Revista Brasileira De Estudos De Defesa, 9(1), 43–68.


